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Bangkok 04 02 Wat Phra Kaeo Golden Phra Siratana Chedi Bangkok 04 03 Wat Phra Kaeo Golden Phra Siratana Chedi Demon Bangkok 04 04 Wat Phra Kaeo Temple of the Emerald Buddha Outside Bangkok 04 05 Wat Phra Kaeo Temple of the Emerald Buddha Peter With Garudas Bangkok 04 06 Wat Phra Kaeo Temple of the Emerald Photo of Emerald Buddha
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Bangkok 04 06 Wat Phra Kaeo Temple of the Emerald Photo of Emerald Buddha  [27 of 27]

The Emerald Buddha is a rather small 0.6m (2 ft.), dark statue, carved from a block of green jade. It is enshrined on a golden traditional Thai-style throne made of gilded-carved wood. It was first discovered in 1434, and was covered with plaster. The abbot who found it noticed the nose had flaked off, and then discovered the jade underneath.
Bangkok 04 06 Wat Phra Kaeo Temple of the Emerald Photo of Emerald Buddha The Emerald Buddha is a rather small 0.6m (2 ft.), dark statue, carved from a block of green jade. It is enshrined on a golden traditional Thai-style throne made of gilded-carved wood. It was first discovered in 1434, and was covered with plaster. The abbot who found it noticed the nose had flaked off, and then discovered the jade underneath.

DATE: 2005-07-20 10:58